Pinelands Creative Workshop – Youth Beyond Expectations

Pinelands Creative Workshop (PCW) was established in 1978 and registered as a charity #212, in March 1992.  They endeavoured to use culture to change the negative image of their community, whilst providing alternative activities for residents.

Project Summary

This project represents a blended program that takes into consideration the creative, academic, social and technical development of young persons.  It is a fusion of culture and social development and will expose participants to various aspects of the arts as a pathway to career development and artistic expression – Afro-Caribbean dance forms, technical theatre; vocals development; Drumming; Keyboards Guitars and various string and wind instruments.  In addition to the artistic development, there will also be academic support and social development skills geared at building confidence, enhancing attitudes; conflict resolution; anger management, communication and team building skills; career and life coaching and critical thinking skills.

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