The University of the West Indies Open Campus was created to improve the service to the University and the underserved communities in campus countries that do not have access to the campus-based programmes and to provide flexible learning options. The Non State Actor (NSA) Panel is a mechanism adopted by the European Union, in order to ensure the participation of Civil Society, especially the NGOs in the implementation of the Cotonou Agreement.
Project Summary
The Maria Holder Memorial Trust collaborated with the Non State Actors Panel of Barbados and the University of the West Indies Open Campus for the provision of partial training awards for the continuation of a certificate in NGO Management for the next three years. The course is intended for persons who serve as staff and volunteers in the NGO sector, community service and civil society sectors. The main objective of the programme is to contribute to the development of the human resources capacity of the sector through training and development.
Jabez House
Jabez House is a registered Charity established in July 2012. Its mission and mandate is to offer its clients economic empowerment through educational and vocational training. Their target population is female Sex Workers.
The programme is in three components and is expected to train 24 female sex workers in various skills over a two year period along with establishing and maintaining relationships with sex workers through an outreach programme. At least fifty at risk young women will also be educated and mentored through a programme in collaboration with the Government Industrial School.
Legal Aid and Counselling Clinic
The Legal Aid and Counselling Clinic (LACC) is a service delivered through the Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA) and has been in existence since 1987. LACC is a multidisciplinary Clinic, which offers a wide range of services, including legal representation; public education; advocacy; legal research and counselling.
The purpose of this funding is to assist with Psycho-educational programming geared at responding to gender based violence. This will encompass a group counselling programme for women, who are or have been in an abusive relationship, designed to provide them with information and skills to break the cycle of violence for themselves and their children; a court referred programme for men and a programme that caters to young men who come into conflict with the law while attending school or young people out of school who are 18 years old and younger.
Partners for Peace – UN Women
The United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment. The main roles of UN Women are to support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of Women, in their formulation of policies, global standards and norms; to help Member States to implement these standards, standing ready to provide suitable technical and financial support to those countries that request it and to forge effective partnerships with civil society and to hold the UN system accountable for its own commitments on gender equality, including regular monitoring of system-wide progress.
This project is implemented in Antigua and Barbuda in collaboration with UN Women Multi Country Office for the Caribbean and the Directorate of Gender Affairs. The aim of the programme is to implement pilot community based interventions for young men and women around understanding and tackling the root causes of gender-based violence as well as the development of effective communications and advocacy skills in support of ending violence against women and girls in Antigua and Barbuda.