The Barbados Council for the Disabled (BCD) is a registered Non-Profit Organisation #13986 and a Charity #371. The More Than Words programme is a caregiver training program developed at the Hanen Centre in Toronto, Canada which is being delivered through the Barbados Council for the Disabled. In December 2007, Sue McMillan a Speech Language Pathologist with 15 years’ experience partnered with the Barbados Council for the Disabled to provide direct therapy and individual and group based caregiver training to children and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Project Summary
The Maria Holder Memorial Trust has agreed to fund The More Than Words programme for one more year. The 2013-2014 MTW programme will provide training to a total of 8 parents and children. By receiving the training provided in MTW, families learn a number of strategies that can be applied in their daily interactions with their children and will also assist parents with the development of the children’s communication, play and social skills.