The Caribbean Broadcast Media Partnership on HIV/AIDS (CBMP) was registered as Charity #714 in September 2007. The objectives of the organisation include but are not limited to the dissemination of information on HIV and AIDS and related topics. To share information and resources among broadcasters and media houses in fighting against HIV and AIDS, to build a capacity to develop and deliver HIV-themed programming content, establish new, coordinated media initiatives that deliver lifesaving messages to help stem the spread of HIV and AIDS; fight HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination.
In 2007, the CBMP launched the umbrella campaign LIVE UP: Love. Protect. Respect. – an innovative brand to support all of the Partnership’s programming components. LIVE UP is the first media-led campaign on HIV and AIDS to reach across the Caribbean.
Project Summary
The Trust’s donation will launch the Seventh Season of “Live Up the Show” and assist with training for 10 media professionals on the production of effective programmes for the public, to highlight the various issues that confront the region and to provide an innovative platform to share information on HIV/AIDS and to gauge the public’s response to the issues highlighted that confront the society. The seventh season of the “Live Up” show will focus on Gender Based Violence, Human Trafficking populations and how these issues are interlinked with HIV/AIDS.