Barbados Council for the Disabled – Calypso for the Hearing Impaired

The Barbados Council for the Disabled (BCD) is the leading charity in Barbados advocating and implementing projects that address the needs of persons with disabilities across the island. It was established in 1976 and continues to be guided by its original mission and objectives. The
“Barbados Council for the Disabled is the non-governmental umbrella body partnering with all sectors of the community and International Agencies to effect change and champion the rights of all persons with disabilities, ensuring their full and effective integration into society.” At present, there are seventeen (17) organisations and two (2) associates affiliated to the BCD. These organisations cover a wide cross-section of persons, both disabled and non-disabled.

Project Summary

The Calypso project is a collaboration between the Barbados Council for the Disabled and the UK charity Audiovisability, along with other deaf organisations in the UK and Barbados. Calypso will bring together deaf and hearing musicians, artists, film makers, and writers from across the UK, USA and Barbados across a period of 8-9 months, and on two separate occasions for a total of 24 days of activity aimed at raising awareness of the deaf community. Activities will be conducted in various borrowed spaces in the community (Music studio, film locations, schools, Barbados Council for the Disabled, Barbados Community College and the Frank Collymore Hall).

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