Playgrounds provide safe spaces where children develop crucial physical, social, emotional and the imaginative skills necessary to gain self-confidence, improve coordination, and advance critical thinking capabilities. To put it simply, play is a spontaneous activity that children engage in to have fun. Experts in a variety of fields including psychology, biology, health and education have conducted a multitude of studies on the concept of childhood play all proving the same critical fact – play is an essential aspect of learning. It also encourages acts of kindness, sharing and build relationships. More importantly, every child deserves the opportunity to play and in doing so to learn.
The Play equipment that was been donated by The Maria Holder Memorial Trust and installed at the Owia Salt Pond and Recreation Park, the Black Point Heritage and Recreation Park and the Rawacou Recreation Park will allow the children of this lovely Island to develop those skills. From the data that has already been captured and submitted this equipment will be well utilised.